Bouquet Inspiration - #floralnamebouquets

Sporadically over the next few weeks/months, we will be sharing past bridal bouquets with the floral names added. Hopefully, this will inspire your colour palettes, give reference points for our meetings and generally just provide you with a little floral knowledge.

To find them all in one place follow the hashtag #floralnamebouquets on instagram.

Floral line-up: Cosmos, Lisianthus, Chrysanthemum, Rose, Bleached Fern, Dried Honesty
Bright Pink Astilbe, Rose Magenta Topaz, Protea Pink Ice, Purple Agapanthus, Spray Roses, Craspedia, Hydrangea, Pink Wax Flower, Eucalyptus Baby Blue and Ruscus.
Floral line-up: Desert joy amaranthus, Acacia (grey), Rose - Snowflake, bleached Ruscus, Cotinus (red foliage), bunnies ears, wax flower.
King protea, Daucus, Hypericum, Achillea, Eucalyptus Gunnii, Lisianthus, Crocosmia seed heads and amazingly another very small bit of Scabiosa Stellata, and ferns.
Floral line-up: Cafe au lait dahlia, French doll dahlia, Toffee rose, Cafe latte rose, White cosmos, Lisianthus Faldo, Ammi, Paniculata, Phlox.